Picture of a Lighthouse

Vote Information

We’re asking every eligible BlueShore Financial member and shareholder to vote YES on the opportunity for BlueShore Financial and Beem Credit Union to merge and become stronger.

The Superintendent of Financial Institutions has provided consent for BlueShore Financial to move forward with a member vote on the proposed merger.

Having a say in the future of your financial institution is one of the benefits of credit union membership. The legislation governing BlueShore Financial requires our members’ approval on the special resolution, and our shareholders’ approval on the separate resolution. To pass, each of these resolutions requires a YES vote from two-thirds or more of voters.

Notice of Special Resolution—All Eligible Voting Members of BlueShore Financial Credit Union (Class A Membership Equity Shareholders)

BE IT RESOLVED, as a special resolution, that the Asset Transfer Agreement between BlueShore Financial Credit Union, as the transferring credit union, and Beem Credit Union, as the acquiring credit union, under section 16 of the Credit Union Incorporation Act (BC) be and is hereby approved, and accordingly:

  1. BlueShore Financial Credit Union is hereby authorized and directed to execute the Asset Transfer Agreement; and

  2. the directors of BlueShore Financial Credit Union are hereby authorized and directed to take the steps necessary to complete the transfer of all the rights, property and assets of BlueShore Financial Credit Union to Beem Credit Union in accordance with the terms and subject to the conditions contained in the Asset Transfer Agreement.”

Notice of Separate Resolution—Holders of Class C Investment Equity Shares of BlueShore Financial Credit Union

“BE IT RESOLVED, as a separate resolution of the holders of the Class C Investment Equity Shares of BlueShore Financial Credit Union, that the Asset Transfer Agreement between BlueShore Financial Credit Union, as the transferring credit union, and Beem Credit Union, as the acquiring credit union, under section 16 of the Credit Union Incorporation Act (BC) be and is hereby approved, and accordingly:

  1. BlueShore Financial Credit Union is hereby authorized and directed to execute the Asset Transfer Agreement; and

  2. the directors of BlueShore Financial Credit Union are hereby authorized and directed to take the steps necessary to complete the transfer of all the rights, property and assets of BlueShore Financial Credit Union to Beem Credit Union in accordance with the terms and subject to the conditions contained in the Asset Transfer Agreement.”

The Board of Directors recommends voting YES to a merger with Beem Credit Union.

Please refer to the Supplemental Information Package for more information relating to the voting process and vote timeline, and to the Asset Transfer Agreement that members and shareholders are voting on.

Who Can Vote—Special Resolution

Personal Members (Individuals)

Each individual member (Class A Membership Equity Shareholder) of BlueShore Financial who is 19 years of age or older and is in good standing in accordance with the Rules of BlueShore Financial as of August 31, 2024 is entitled to one vote on the BlueShore Financial Special Resolution for Class A Shareholders.

Non-Personal Members

Non-Personal members include companies, partnerships, societies and unincorporated associations.

Each non-personal member of BlueShore Financial who is in good standing in accordance with the Rules of BlueShore Financial as of August 31, 2024 is entitled to one vote on the BlueShore Financial Special Resolution for Class A Shareholders. The non-personal member’s vote must be cast by an authorized signor who is 19 years of age or older.

Who Can Vote—Separate Resolution

Personal Shareholders (Individuals)

Each individual shareholder of Class C Investment Equity Shares of BlueShore Financial who is 19 years of age or older and who holds at least one Class C Investment Equity Share of BlueShore Financial is entitled to one vote on the BlueShore Financial Separate Resolution for Class C Shareholders.

Non-Personal Shareholders

Each non-personal shareholder of Class C Investment Equity Shares of BlueShore Financial who holds at least one Class C Investment Equity Share of BlueShore Financial is entitled to one vote on the BlueShore Financial Separate Resolution for Class C Shareholders. The non-personal shareholder’s vote must be cast by an authorized signor who is 19 years of age or older.

Joint Shareholders of Class C Shares

If Class C Investment Equity Shares are held jointly, each joint holder is entitled to one vote on the BlueShore Financial Separate Resolution for Class C Shareholders. 

Voting is easy—choose the voting method that suits you best.

Voting Methods Voting Instructions and Deadlines



Use your smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer.


This secure and paperless option makes it easy for you to vote at a time that’s convenient for you.

Vote online through Lumi (a virtual meeting and voting platform) from 9 AM PDT on November 25 to 5 PM PDT on December 3, 2024. You can submit your electronic Ballot early and edit it up until the voting deadline. Your selection as of the voting deadline will be counted as your vote.


How to vote online:

  1. Ensure you are using the latest version of your web browser. The Lumi platform is supported on Android, IOS, Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Safari. (Internet Explorer is not compatible.)

  2. Type the relevant URL below into your web browser to go to the live voting site for your Class of Shares:

    Special Resolution (Class A Membership Equity):

    Separate Resolution (Class C Investment Equity):

  3. Enter your unique voter code and password sent by mail, and click Login.

  4. Select Voting tab.

  5. Read the certifications, and cast your vote by selecting In Favour or Not In Favour.

  6. Click Submit. By doing so, you are attesting to the certifications and submitting your Ballot. Your response will be confirmed.

  7. You may edit your response until the voting deadline (this will only count as one vote).

  8. Log out or close browser window.

  9. To submit a Ballot with respect to another class of shares, repeat steps 2–8 above.



Request a Mail-In Ballot at a BlueShore Financial branch or by contacting the Solution Centre at 1.888.713.6728 prior to November 15, 2024.

Ballots must be received by KPMG Management Services LP by 5 PM PDT on December 3, 2024. Please take into account 5 business days for mail to be received.


How to vote by Mail-In Ballot (for each voting package):

  1. On the Ballot (2), mark an X in the box beside your selection.

  2. On the Ballot and Authentication Envelope (3), write the unique voter code sent by mail. Read the certifications and agree by signing the envelope.

  3. Place the Ballot in the completed Ballot and Authentication Envelope (3) and seal.

  4. Place the sealed Ballot and Authentication Envelope into the postage-paid Voting Return Envelope (4) addressed to KPMG Management Services LP. Seal it and mail it by November 25, 2024 to ensure receipt by the voting deadline.

  5. To submit a Ballot with respect to your other Class of Shares, repeat steps 1–4 above.

General Voting Rules

  • Each eligible member is entitled to one vote on the Special Resolution for Class A Shareholders, regardless of the number of Class A Shares held over the required minimum.

  • Each Class C Shareholder is entitled to one vote on the Separate Resolution for Class C Shareholders, regardless of the number of Class C Shares held.

  • If Class C Shares are held jointly, then each joint shareholder will receive a unique voter code and will be able to vote.

  • If a member casts more than one vote on the Special Resolution for Class A Shareholders, all votes cast by that member on the Special Resolution for Class A Shareholders will be invalid.

  • If a Class C Shareholder casts more than one vote on the Separate Resolution for Class C Shareholders, all votes cast by the shareholder on the Separate Resolution for Class C Shareholders will be invalid.

  • Ballots received after the voting deadline above will be invalid.

  • Failure to complete the Ballot pursuant to the voting instructions may render your Ballot invalid.

  • Ballots received prior to the opening day of voting will be deemed to have been cast during the official voting period.

If you have any questions, please contact BlueShore Financial Solution Centre at 604.982.8000 or 1.888.713.6728, or visit any BlueShore Financial branch.

Voter Confidentiality

Voter information will be used exclusively by KPMG Management Services LP, the returning officer appointed by BlueShore Financial to administer the vote, and Lumi Canada Inc. Voter information will not be used for any other purpose or distributed to any other parties. The returning officer will not disclose any personal information about any voter without the voter’s prior consent, unless the returning officer has a good faith belief that such disclosure is necessary to comply with legal process or other legal requirements of any court, governmental authority or agency, or to protect or defend rights, interests or property of the returning officer.

Vote Results

Results of the vote will be shared at TogetherOurBest.ca following the tabulation of results.